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About WCRR

Known as the safest play surface on the market, GroundRubber Meets CPSC Surface Guidelines, as well as ASTM Guidelines (F-1292-99, and F-1951-99). At a depth of 6 inches GroundRubber provides the most shock absorption in playgrounds available on the market today. With GroundRubber installed, playgrounds are twice as safe as those with tan-bark, sand, pebbles and most other surfaces!

GroundRubber may cost a little more than other surfaces, however, it only needs to be installed once. No annual upgrading or replacement is required. In comparison to wood mulch, GroundRubber requires a maximum of 6 inches in depth, versus 12 inches for the wood mulch.

GroundRubber has the unique ability to reduce injuries due to falls from a critical height of over 12 feet! You can actually take an egg and drop it from a height of 12 feet and watch it bounce.

Based on tests using number of playground surface materials, the chart below shows that Recycled Rubber exceeds the safety standards of the other materials by a wide margin. Having GroundRubber underneath a play structure will help prevent both the number as well as the severity of children's playground injuries.

This chart represents comparison findings of materials - including recycled rubber safety surface material identical to GroundRubber, produced with identical equipment and processes, by WCRR - tested by United States Testing Company, Inc. and the Consumer Products Safety Commission, using 6 inch depths of each material.

GroundRubber is non-toxic (and in the case of colored surfacing chips, only non-toxic paints are used). The chips do not have any taste appeal. If a piece were ingested by a pet or child, test reports show that the chips will simply pass through the digestive tract. (Maryland Environmental Services, 1994)


Brown Red Blue Green
Camo Cypress Red

For those who want to make a visual impact, we offer custom-colored GroundRubber to match play equipment.

Preparation, Installation & Maintenance

We recommend the area be prepared ahead of time by leveling and clearing the ground of large rocks and other debris. The "fall zone" or perimeter depends on the "critical height" that could be reached by your children, generally 4 feet from the structure. Guidelines can be found in the Handbook for Public Playground Safety produced by the United States Consumer Products Commission available online.

You can introduce Groundrubber right over your existing grass, without the need for landscape mesh. Please Remove: all sand, pebbles, tan bark, etc. These will not only continue to work their way to the surface but minimize shock-absorption values. We recommend a 4" to 6" border around the play area to contain the material.

Installation: We offer both driveway delivery of GroundRubber to your location, or full service preparation and installation.

Maintenance: The only maintenance required for GroundRubber, is occasional raking, or the use of a leaf blower to remove leaves.

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